How Much Should I Ask For in a Personal Injury Settlement?

How Much Should I Ask For in a Personal Injury Settlement?

If you have decided to settle your personal injury case, you are among 90-95% of litigants who settle their cases before going to trial. At this point, you are likely trying to figure out the monetary amount you should accept for your personal injury settlement. To answer that question, it is important to know what damages you can pursue under state law.

What a Personal Injury Settlement Can Cover in California

In California, a settlement offer covers your bodily injuries and can also cover emotional and psychological distress and/or trauma, fixing or replacing your car, the amount spent on medical bills, your lost wages, and more. Your settlement amount can vary based on your damages.

There are several factors to consider when trying to quantify the amount you should ask for in a personal injury settlement, including, but not limited to the following:

Physical and Emotional injury
The amount your case is worth can depend on the type of injury you have. Was your injury minor or severe? Are you still experiencing pain and suffering, psychological or emotional, from these injuries? Did you immediately seek medical attention for your injuries and have documentation of your treatment? What is your expected recovery period?

Medical Treatment
Have you had to attend medical appointments and/or hospital stays? Do you have ongoing therapy? How much, if any, did and/or will your insurance cover for these medical expenses? Importantly, concerning future medical expenses, do you have upcoming appointments and surgeries or long-term medical symptoms that will raise your medical expenses in the future? Any of these issues may entitle you to additional compensation.

Whether You Were Partially at Fault & Insurance Policy Limits
Whether one or both parties are at fault for causing the accident affects how much the other party’s insurance company is obligated to pay. Insurance policy limits also factor into a settlement offer. An experienced attorney can help you navigate negotiating with an insurance company, which is discussed in more detail below.

Whether You Had Legal Representation
To obtain the maximum settlement amount to compensate you for your injuries, it is critical to have your interests represented by a quality personal injury law firm. Attorneys that are highly experienced in personal injury and have a proven track record of success can best guide you through the settlement process. Additionally, the attorneys can use their knowledge of personal injury laws in California to properly assess your damages and account for any limitations on damages, if applicable.

Call Us Today to Speak with an Accident Attorney

If you are looking to settle your personal injury case and need experienced attorneys to guide you through the legal process— you should retain an attorney as soon as possible. Ali Razavi and his team of experienced personal injury lawyers have recovered millions of dollars on behalf of injured victims and are standing by to help you as well. Call our office today at (949) 500-1926 or contact us online to schedule your free case evaluation with a lawyer.