How Insurance Can Pay You in An Accident Even If You’re At Fault
Want to learn how your insurance can pay even when you’re at fault? put simply, Medical Payments Insurance or “MedPay” insurance pays medical expenses for you during a car accident in California regardless of who caused the accident or was deemed at fault. You may want to check with your insurance carrier if you have elected to select MedPay as part of your coverage. Many of our clients do not realize that they even have this kind of coverage, and even if they do, they do not always realize how to use it or what it really is. By law, all car insurance companies must offer optional MedPay coverage with policy limits of at least $1,000. However, some larger insurance companies such as State Farm offer up to $100,000!
MedPay is a kind of supplemental health insurance coverage that is tied to your automobile policy. Many people are not even aware that they have this kind of coverage until their personal injury attorney thoroughly examines their insurance policy after their accident.
What Does MedPay Cover?
MedPay can cover a variety of expenses related to an automobile accident that can fall under your car insurance policy’s medical payments coverage.
These expenses may include:
- EMT and ambulance fees
- Doctor and hospital visits and stays
- X-rays and surgery
- Nursing care and services
Who Needs MedPay?
In most states, MedPay or PIP is an option for most drivers. Keep in mind when deciding whether or not you need this coverage that MedPray can be a sort of “safety net” in case you exceed your health plan’s limit or receive charges such as for an ambulance trip or chiropractic care that your health plan won’t cover.
Call us at Razavi Law Group today if you have been injured in a car accident. Regardless of whether or not it was your fault, you may still be entitled to some money to help pay for some of your injuries.
If you need a car accident attorney in Santa Ana, Bakersfield, Anaheim, Orange County, West Hollywood, Mission Viejo, Riverside, Austin, and Las Vegas, contact Razavi Law Group for consultations.